Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I Will Run Tonight. I Will Run Tonight. I Will Run Tonight.

As you can gather, I should have run last night. I really had no reason not to. It was still light out thanks to Daylight Savings Time, I got home at a reasonable hour, and it was fairly nice out. But I sat on my couch and ate chips and queso. Tonight I WILL RUN!

And now for part 2 of 30 in my monthly installment: Where do I want to be in 10 years?
That's probably the question I generally dislike at job interviews. How should I know? I've been out of college for almost 8 years now and what I have wanted to do has changed a bit over that time. I thought I wanted to work for a big newspaper. Been there, done that, don't want to do it again. Then I thought I wanted to do PR. I do that now and that's not the right fit either. So careerwise, it's a mystery to me as to what I will be doing in 10 years. However, I will say I have been quite passionate about education lately and where the system is breaking down and failing children (and I know it's not just the system and there a million other factors that contribute to this). However, that said, I teach a college-level writing course on the side and many of my students can't identify a verb in a sentence. That is a problem. I don't have a solution, but maybe I could do some research that would help someone smarter than me concoct a solution.

In my personal life, in 10 years I hope to have some kids, a house, a pool and a dog. Typical suburban dream, I know. I also hope that I'm still writing in some way and still running. I'd also like to live closer to my family so I don't just see them a few times a year. I miss being with my sister--look how cute we are together

1 comment:

  1. I was chanting this exact same thing this morning. I, too, was supposed to run last night and had no good reason for not doing so.

    Cheers to a nice run tonight!

    Way to go on Day 2 of your challenge. Mine will post tomorrow! =)
