Friday, April 29, 2011

Consistent Running, Yo-Yo Progress

Does anyone else ever feel like they were on a roll with their running--building mileage, getting a little faster, running more often--but then a few runs come along that just suck? That sentence pretty much sums up my running life. Last year I built up to running 9 miles. I would go out on a Sunday, in the summer, mind you, and bang out 8 miles pretty consistently. I ran my first 10k in November and didn't walk at all. I was quite pleased with this. I fell a little off the wagon in the winter, but then I got back on and hit the treadmill after work and felt like I was really getting faster.

But then this week happened. I struggled to complete 3 and 4 mile runs. Yesterday I ran in a park on a nice little paved trail and where it was relatively flat. I couldn't get it together. My breathing was fine, but legs were just tired. It's like I couldn't make them go. I walked, maybe 3 times. Granted, I walk for 30 seconds (45 max), but it really makes me mad! And my time was just slloooowwwww.

I feel like I constantly read about runners who just started and who are building up massive mileage and slicing minutes off their race times, and I feel like I'm Paula Abdul in "Opposites Attract" (2 steps forward, 2 steps back). I think running isn't a natural thing for me.

Sorry for all the whining, but this has truly bugged me this week. On the upside--it's Friday! I'm so happy I could scream.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe your body just needs a rest, and time to adjust to you running again since you took some time off in the winter. No matter what any runner says, everyone has a dud run or a bad week every now and again. Don't let it discourage you- just take a day or two off and try again. You can do it!!
