Tuesday, April 12, 2011

30 for 30 Still Kicking

So I know this should have been finished by now, or at least be close to being finished, but I can't seem to keep on track. Today's topic: a place I'd like to move or visit.

So many places come to mind. One thing I've learned lately is that it isn't so much where I'm going to be living, but it's who I'm near. I miss being close to my mom and sister so much, and we've got a 5-year plan to all by in the same city, or at least within a 2-hour drive. Right now my mom is back in Pittsburgh, my sister is in Atlanta and I'm out in the City of Brotherly Love.
My fiance is in the final round of interviews for a job that could place him in Philly, Atlanta, Chicago or Palo Alto. I am up for any of those, but California would be amazing! (Cue O.C. theme song) My sister is planning to move there when her job rotation is up in Atlanta (end of summer) so then we'd just need to get my mom out to the West Coast. Lots of people have told me I'm an East Coast girl and I wouldn't like it anywhere else, but I beg to differ. I've only ever lived in the Northeast so of course I don't if I would embrace another pace of life fully, but I think I am more than open to it.

So I can move anywhere--I just want my family with me. In terms of travel, I want to go everywhere! You name it, I'm willing to visit it. Top on my current list is Australia, Galapagos Islands and Nova Scotia.


  1. My brother lived in DC for 6 years and made the move to LA back in November. Both my brother and sister-in-law love it out there. They did not miss the winter one bit. ha!

  2. The winter is the worst! I am so a fan of moving south or west (or perhaps both)!
