Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Halfway Back on the Wagon

So with Thanksgiving last week and having run that darn 10k at the start of November, I was a complete running slacker for the past two weeks. I ran once last week and it was only 3 miles. I had plans of starting half-marathon training ASAP, but after realizing that both races I was looking at (Longbranch Half and Pittsburgh Half) didn't occur until May, I thought I could maybe blow the start of the training off until January and concentrate on picking up my pace.

So today I decide to wake up early and get in a quick (and I mean quick) 2 miles before work. Getting up when it's cold and cloudy was beyond devastating. So much so that I almost didn't go out even after I my running gear on. So I drag myself outside and I plan to warm up slowly for a half mile and then run faster for a mile, cool it down for a half and then pick it up for a half. Well, the picking up part did work, but the recovery part deteriorated into a walk instead of a job. I swear it ended up taking me like 25 minutes to go 2 miles-GAH!

I am seriously someone who always needs a training plan. Left to my own devices, I complete weird runs in weird times. But I did run, so I already matched last week's best effort.

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