You know how when you decide to start a blog and you are amped to write every day, but then every day becomes every week and before you know it you're updating your blog twice a year and always apologizing for it? Yeah, that's me, minus the apology. I've been told women apologize too often, so in that spirit, on with the blog.
Like most slow runners, I have dreams of being fast like everyone else. I spent the past four weeks doing speedwork and tempo runs. And lo and behold, that stuff works. I haven't run an actual 5K race since 2009 (In 2010 I focused on a 10K and in 2011 I did my first half), and that time was something around 34 minutes. In my defense, it was also 96 degrees that day and there was a hill that lasted about a 1/2 mile.
Anyway, so I do this speedwork for four weeks and last Sunday at the Giralda Farms 5k/10k, I finished in 31:26. I still am dying to break under 30, but I'll take what I can get.
I'm also deciding on my next race. Right now, I'm looking at the Shamrock Marathon in March in Va. Beach.
In the meantime, I am going to finish our 2011 still vying for that under 30-minute 5k.
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