Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Feeling Hot Hot Hot (and Annoyed)

Man, my running route last night was less than desirable. The pros were that I had a wide sidewalk and not many stoplights to slow me down. The cons were much more plentiful. At one point there was construction on both sides of the street, so I was running down the street between moving vehicles and parked vehicles and then an older woman decided she needed to suddenly cross the street and stroll right into my path. Thanks lady, that's just what I was hoping you'd do.

I continued running and then got to 2 blocks of just trash. I need to bring my camera on a run sometime just to take pictures of all the random junk on the ground--huge empty bottles of vodka, random pedals from bicycles, some rubber cords and then your typical trash. Gross. City-living and running at its finest in Philly.

It was also really hot last night, and I am still adjusting to running in heat so I was probably angrier than usual at little things that get in my way while running, but I wanted to scream when this couple ahead of me proceeded to take up the entire sidewalk. Luckily, since they were slow, my pace slowed and good ol' Garmin chimed at me to speed up. This chime scared the crap out of these people, and while they were stunned by technology I used that opportunity to speed past them. But seriously people, I don't care if you're walking or running--share the sidewalk. You don't need the whole thing. Trust me.

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