This 30 for 30 is getting dicey. Good thing not many people read this blog because I’m probably setting myself up for a lot of hatemail with this post. My views on religion, eh? I will preface this post by saying that I’m Catholic. I was raised that way and on the whole, I dig it. That being said, I will also say I have to reconcile some of my more humanitarian beliefs with my religion—gay marriage being one of them. I hate the way the Catholic Church demonizes the gay community—aren’t we supposed to be loving our neighbors as we would ourselves? I 100% support gay marriage.
Oh, and the whole treating women as second-class citizens mentality is also not cool. It’s one of the few institutions where women are blatantly kept out of powerful positions. I kinda doubt a higher power is only interested in giving a call to religious service to men.
One last thing—I’m pro-choice, not pro-life. I just don’t believe the government or the church should have any say in what a woman and man choose to do in a personal situation.
My other overarching view on religion is that no matter what faith you subscribe to, in the end, we all have the same God—I think we just each have different ways of worshipping and expressing our faith.
Whew. That’s way too much soul-searching for a Friday.
"I kinda doubt a higher power is only interested in giving a call to religious service to men."
I say Amen! I've been working on my post for this subject matter. It is and uncomfortable, but I give you total props for saying how you feel AND I agree with you! =)