Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Running in the Burrrrggghhh

Hmm, I'm not sure the "Brr" element I was trying to get across in "Burgh is clear especially because the last photo I have of Pittsburgh is from September, but I wanted to share it anyway. But I will be spending the holidays in my hometown of Pittsburgh and getting some runs in while I'm there. It's even colder there than it has been in Philly lately and they've already seen snow fall (Philly had a snow fake-out last week with only about an inch that cleared by the next day).

Running at home is always interesting because I'm from a really, really small town. So small in fact that it's actually a borough. Needless to say, the second you leave the house, you run into someone you know/your mom knows/your neighbor knows, etc. So I try to make sure I don't look like a complete mismatched disaster when I train there (seriously, I look like a box of Nerds running--lime shorts, fuchsia shirt and many variations of these colors).

Aside from trying to match, home presents two real running challenges. The first is hills. Pittsburgh is full of 'em. I live on a massive hill so every workout involves at least a trek up one and a trek down another. I know the hills are good for me, but the hills here crush me. The second challenge is that my town is small so I run out of neighborhood very quickly and end up on highways, which are not conducive to pedestrians. I either end up running laps or back at my old high school track (also running laps).

Despite those challenges, I am so excited to be going home! I'm also crossing my fingers Santa may have brought me a Garmin for Christmas:)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you! I hope your running resolutions for 2011 are ready to roll!

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