Since change is on my brain with moving to a new city, I have been thinking about other changes I want to make. One of them is including more cross-training in my workouts. Last night, I just couldn’t convince myself to get on the treadmill, so I rode a bike instead for an hour and set it on hills. I kinda liked it, and I do own an actual bicycle, so it’s my goal to really bike some miles when the weather turns. Rock Creek Park is supposed to be some kind of amazing, so I hope to be running and riding over the trails next month!
The second change is one I’ve thought about for years but never done much about. I think I want to go vegetarian. Not only because I love animals and don’t like the way many are treated but also because I think it will be healthier. I don’t eat a ton of meat to begin with, but much like I wouldn’t go run a half marathon with no training, I’m not going to dive into cutting out meat all at once. I’m going to start by slicing out red meat, which I eat maybe one or two times a month at most anyway and only eat chicken once or twice a week. Once I’ve said goodbye to red meat and chicken totally, then comes the seafood. So it will be a process, but one I think will be a good choice.
If anyone knows of any good vegetarian recipes or cycling training, let me know! Or if you live in D.C. and want to be my new friend, I’m looking for those too!